建筑鋼結構 Building steel structure 鋼結構在幕墻工程中的應用現今已比比皆是 ,很多異型大跨度的形態(tài)構造更是起到了類(lèi) 似軀體骨架的作用,抑或.. The main load-bearing structure uses rigid-framed bridges. The beam and the leg or the pier (table) form a rigid connection
幕墻鋼結構 Curtain wall steel structure 鋼結構在幕墻工程中的應用現今已比比皆是 ,很多異型大跨度的形態(tài)構造更是起到了類(lèi) 似軀體骨架的作用,抑或.. The main load-bearing structure uses rigid-framed bridges. The beam and the leg or the pier (table) form a rigid connection
橋梁鋼結構 Bridge steel structure 鋼結構在幕墻工程中的應用現今已比比皆是 ,很多異型大跨度的形態(tài)構造更是起到了類(lèi) 似軀體骨架的作用,抑或.. The main load-bearing structure uses rigid-framed bridges. The beam and the leg or the pier (table) form a rigid connection
設備鋼結構 Equipment steel structure 鋼結構在幕墻工程中的應用現今已比比皆是 ,很多異型大跨度的形態(tài)構造更是起到了類(lèi) 似軀體骨架的作用,抑或.. The main load-bearing structure uses rigid-framed bridges. The beam and the leg or the pier (table) form a rigid connection
Large steel structure engineering company 我司建廠(chǎng)多年來(lái)培訓了一大批素質(zhì)高、技術(shù)好的生產(chǎn)骨干,掌握了一批專(zhuān)業(yè)產(chǎn)品自造,質(zhì)量放心
Large products built, quality assured 嚴格遵守ISO國際質(zhì)量管理體系,嚴格要求規范施工質(zhì)量管理,不斷優(yōu)豐富的施工方案經(jīng)驗
Rich experience in construction plan 提供鋼結構整體解決方案,因為專(zhuān)注,所以專(zhuān)業(yè),廣東宏華集團有限公司積累了眾多方案經(jīng)驗Own professional construction team
Large steel structure engineering company 擁有國家頒發(fā)的鋼結構制造壹級資質(zhì)、鋼結構工程專(zhuān)業(yè)承包貳級資質(zhì)、質(zhì)量裝配式全過(guò)程工程服務(wù)商
Large steel structure engineering company 廣東宏華集團有限公司總部位于全球制造業(yè)中心的東莞市,集團以鋼結構裝配式